
At Le Fevre Peninsula Primary School (Reception to Year Six) we cater for 5 - 13 year olds in a healthy, caring environment. We have approximately 255 students. Our dedicated and experienced teachers provide a positive and enriching program, appreciating the individual needs and interests of each child. Our values of Honesty, Respect and Responsibility provide the basis for all we do at Le Fevre Peninsula Primary School. The 5 Keys to Success underpin our learning program- Confidence, Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along and Resilience.

The school has a proud history dating back to 1878. We are proud of our past as well as being confident of the future. LPPS provides four specialist subjects for its student population, Physical Education, Music, Language (Indonesian) and Technologies. Le Fevre Peninsula Primary School is an active participant in SAPSASA events and provides a variety of teams for students to participate in local school based competitions, including soccer, netball, basketball and cricket. LPPS provides the opportunity for students to participate in extracurricular music activities including, choir, DfE Instrumental music programme and the Le Fevre Hub Band. We are committed to excellence in learning, caring for people and for the environment.

Leadership structure: Principal, Deputy Principal, Student Learning Coordinator, Student Well-being Coordinator, 15 mainstream classroom teachers and one Special class teacher. School Service Officers work across the school from, Administration/Finance, Speech/Coordination and classroom support.

Access to special staff: Behaviour Support Unit, Guidance Officer, Aboriginal Education, Speech and Hearing, Special Education Unit, Children’s Hospital, FAYHS, CAMS, CAYHS, Visual Unit, Downs Syndrome Group, Instrumental Music teachers.


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